Monday, May 6, 2013

Random I believe speech
  I believe that everyone was made equal. Not the kind of equal where everyone looks the same and gets the same stuff, but the kind of equal where there are no human slaves or racism. Honestly we are all the same. Just because someone is a different color or race doesn't mean that they are completely different.

  For example, take a cup of milk and add pink food coloring to it... Now take another cup of milk and put blue food coloring in it. Now taste it. See what I mean now? They are the exact same, taste the same but just because they don't look the same, they get judged. Now equality isn't the only thing I believe in. I believe in a ton of stuff like Jesus the Holy Spirit and to stop bullying. However there is one major thing I believe in and it's called love. 

  So what I've realized these days are MANY people getting bullied and hated on for being gay. When I say gay, I don't mean the happy kind, I mean the same gender loving eachother. Honestly I don't see a problem with it at all. If you truly love someone then yeah I'd say go for it. I also believe that age shouldn't matter in love. If a 20 year old and a 16 year old are TRULY in love, I think that's fine. I just don't like the whole weird creeper part of some people. However I don't think anything will stop me from believing this: Love knows no flaws or age. Love doesn't judge you, it's society that does. All I can say is to just not care! Don't worry about what people think and just be you!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Smile for your haters because they love to see you sad. You know you're better than them so you don't have anything to worry about!! :)

Don't worry. It's much more easy to say than to do. Everything happens for a reason and most of the time we can't control it. We can't control it because we can not control what other people do, say, or think. Sadly all we can do is just control how we deal with it. The best thing we can do is to not worry. Worrying causes so many mental and even physical issues. I know getting bad news or going through tough situations are hard. Talk it out with a friend, give it some time, and just remember that everything happens for a reason. You'll end up happy, and if you're not then you know it's not the end yet.

I can not stress this enough: Be Yourself! Don't change for anyone because later in life, they most likely won't be there for you. Yes I know it's hard to think that but honestly only in very rare occasions do people stay together forever (as in friends or relationships). So just be you and don't worry what others think. You were born so we could have your personality on this planet, not for you to try and copy others. Being yourself is the best person you can be! Just live  :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

This is so true. One thing I do a lot is overthinking. It honestly can tear a person apart especially because it makes you dwell on that problem forever. One thing I've learned is to just not care. When I say not care, I don't mean to just go do whatever, I'm talking about just going with whatever happens. Don't worry because if it's meant to be, it will find a way. So don't overthink and don't dwell. Just be confident and think POSITIVE! :)