Thursday, June 13, 2013

School in a perfect world
  Honestly if I could create school in a perfect world, I would. I think school needs to be changed a little bit somehow to fit every child's needs. One thing I would do to make school perfect is that I would somehow have a way that every kid can have their own personal tutor for something. No kid needs to suffer in silence. I don't see how it's fair that a teacher teaches something to a class and expects EVERYONE to know how to do it. It just isn't possible.
  Another thing I would do is have school start later but still end at around the same time. This gives kids the amount of sleep they need. Also it would make school shorter. If school were shorter, I think kids would pay more attention. We're young and we don't have the best patients so sitting in a chair all day doing work and listening to the teacher is kind of hard for us.
  The last thing I would change is how are grading system works. We get graded on how good we do on something or basically how much we can remember on a certain topic. I think every kid should get graded on their own skill. Not how good they do on something they really don't understand. Yes you can call me crazy for thinking all this but it is my opinion. This would be my perfect school. 
  Recently I have gotten some advise for highschool. I had to get some advice because I'm going to be a freshman soon. Some advise that I had gotten was from my mom. One of the things she had told me is to not fall into peer pressure. Peer pressure is going to be something we all face in highschool, most of us just have to have the integrity to say NO. I know that we're going to be the youngest ones but we can't just give in. We all know so much better than that. 

  Another thing my mom told me is to take chances. She said that highschool is going to go by fast so do the classes you really want to. She had also said that getting the harder classes done first while you're in your freshman and sophmore year so that you have your last few years to have fun in. I know some of you might not agree but I think this is great advise.