Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Okay so at my school many people think that Middle School dating is "stupid" or "over-rated". In my opinion I don't care what they think. Their excuse to not date is either because it won't last or their parents won't let them or if they think we are too young. I believe that if you truly love that person then go ahead! Go date them. It's not a big problem. However I do know that there are many immature people in my school. You know, the kinds that think you're weird for dating or the one's who date almost every guy. I know we are young but if you're truly happy then go for it. If two people are happy LEAVE THEM ALONE! Just know thay you won't find true love within a week or so. It takes some time but it actually is possible to find true love at this age. A relationship isn't just to mess around, it's being with the person who makes you happier than anyone else and the person you can't live without. Sorry about me ranting on and on about this subject but I thought I'd just get my opinion out there.